Global Mission has one goal: plant churches by following Christ's method of ministry among unreached people groups around the world.
Thanks for your interest in Global Mission and our commitment to planting new groups of believers among people groups who don’t know Jesus. Did you know that 66% of the world’s population still hasn’t had an opportunity to hear about Jesus?
Global Mission was established in response to this urgent need for frontline mission work. There are still 22 countries and regions where there is no Adventist presence. And incredibly, there are 31 cities of more than 1 million people that don’t have a single Adventist congregation. We have been faithfully meeting these challenges through the church-planting ministry of pioneers and urban centers of influence.
Church Planting
Global Mission supports thousands of local people in starting new groups of believers in unreached areas where there is no Adventist presence. These frontline missionaries, called pioneers, move into communities, build relationships, meet needs, and eventually disciple new believers. Pioneers share the good news of Jesus through wholistic ministry. For example, they may provide medical care, teach agricultural skills, offer literacy programs, hold evangelistic meetings, and give Bible studies.
Through the ministry of these pioneers as well as the hard work of the staff of urban centers of influence, new believers are welcomed into the faith. This is how we are able to plant churches in previously unreached areas.
Christ's Method
How can Global Mission pioneers meet the needs of their communities? They follow Christ's method of ministry, as described by Ellen G. White.
“Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” (The Ministry of Healing, pp. 143)
By focusing on others and developing authentic relationships, pioneers are able to invite community members to meet Jesus and follow Him.
Unreached People
All over the world, there are hundreds of unreached people groups. They don't have the Bible or any religious materials in their own language. In these areas, God calls us to minister to His children and invite them to meet Him.
Sometimes the biggest unreached people groups are the ones you’d least suspect: the people in the cities. Worldwide, there are 580 cities with a population of more than 1 million people. Of these, 31 do not have even one Seventh-day Adventist congregation, and 119 have fewer than 125 Adventists altogether.
More than 100 years ago, Ellen White championed an urban model for outreach that she called centers of influence—these were small platforms for launching Christ’s method of ministry and connecting to city communities.
Over the past few years, Global Mission has helped to establish nearly 50 urban centers of influence in several countries. From refugee assimilation centers, juice bars, and secondhand shops to cooking classes, cafés, and after-school childcare, these centers offer long-term, wholistic ministry that connects with people on a local and personal level. They may look different, but all UCIs have the same goals—to minister to people’s physical and spiritual needs, lead people to Jesus, and plant new groups of believers.
Urban centers of influence are helping thousands of city dwellers experience healing and hope. They are also fostering new Seventh-day Adventist congregations all around the world. Please partner with us to reach the billions in our cities around the world who are still waiting to be shown Christ’s love.