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Global Mission

Hungary: A Summer Camp for the Ages

"This is a lifestyle camp. We’re doing lifestyle evangelism, which means we invite friends and people who are not in contact with the Adventist Church.” Pastor Erno, president of the Duna Conference, is talking about a unique outreach method: a summer camp for adults and families!

For one week each summer, about 200 people come to this camp to rest, connect, and get outside. The attendees are from all over Hungary and most are not Adventist. They’ve heard about this special camp through various Urban Centers of Influence (UCIs) or from their Adventist friends and neighbors.

At the camp, they can hike, cycle, and try different sports. The emphasis is on human connection and community; it’s a place in nature where people can bond. There are seminars on health and religious topics too. Some attendees ask for Bible studies or decide to volunteer at their local UCI.

This ministry removes the fear of meeting in a church building. Adventists can form relationships and connect people to Jesus and the Church in a non-threatening way. Pastor Erno explains, “If we invite somebody to church, they may not come—at least in this part of Europe. But if we invite them to a program like this, they want to come!”