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Global Mission

The Unreached Need Your Help!

Do you remember hearing stories about Adventists who hid under tables with layers of blankets to type Bible lessons or who braved cold water to be baptized in secret? I do. A lot has changed since those days. But one thing hasn’t changed: there are still areas of the world where it’s difficult and even dangerous for people to become Christians.

Global Mission’s priority is starting new groups of believers among unreached people groups. Many times, this means Global Mission pioneers and centers of influence operate in challenging places. We want to share these stories with you, but it’s a constant struggle to know how much to share. We don’t want to be the reason people are hurt or even killed.

That’s why we’ve decided to cover some countries with a “veil.” When Global Mission shares a story from a sensitive country, you will see it labeled as a “Veiled Country.” We won’t name the country, we will change the names of people, and we may use other pictures to represent the story.

When you see “Veiled Country,” please say a special prayer for the frontline workers in these challenging places.

Thank you for your prayers and support.