South Africa: 28-Day Challenge
Did you know that lives can be transformed in just 28 days? That’s what Amanda Steenkamp, the founder of the plant-based Carrot & Coconut Deli Café, found out.
The café is part of the Filadelfia Urban Center of Influence (UCI) in Pretoria, South Africa. “Healthy food has a wonderful effect on people,” Amanda says. When people eat delicious, healthy food in a café setting, there are opportunities to talk and build relationships.
Just recently Amanda went a step further in connecting with the cafe’s community. She organized a 28-day health challenge designed for the specific health challenges of the program participants. One man had high cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. Another participant suffered from fibromyalgia and was so crippled by pain that she couldn’t run anymore.
But their lives were transformed by eating plant-based foods for 28 days. The man’s cholesterol and blood sugar levels improved dramatically. The woman with fibromyalgia was able to run again. She praised God for what He had done for her health, saying, “I want to tell everyone that there is hope.”
The Coconut & Carrot Deli Café is certainly spreading hope and transforming lives in this South African community. Please continue to pray for the work of UCIs around the world.