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Global Mission

South Asia: A Simple Act of Servitude

Poorna wondered how to start a church plant when doors were being shut before him. He is a Global Mission pioneer in South Asia. When the pandemic first hit his country, people stopped welcoming him into their homes. He met with his program director on Zoom and asked, “What can I do? How can I connect with people when I can’t visit them?”

But Poorna is a man of prayer, and he did not become discouraged. One day he noticed that an outdoor drain in the neighborhood had become blocked and was overflowing. It came to him that during a time when he could not connect with people, he could help the community with a simple gesture. Picking up a broom, Poorna began to clear the blockage and clean the drain. This act did not go unnoticed. The neighbors realized that Poorna was there to help them.

This was the start of a relationship between Poorna and the community members. Today, he meets regularly with a vibrant group of believers. Please pray for him and other pioneers as they share the gospel with those who have yet to hear the Good News.