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Global Mission

Dr. Veggie

In Yerevan, Armenia, Knarik and her neighbor Anahit were good friends. During one conversation, Anahit mentioned a new vegan cafe called Dr. Veggie that had recently opened nearby. Knarik, who valued healthy living, started having lunch there daily.

Dr.Veggie was managed by Adventists as an urban center of influence. Knarik knew there was something special about the cafe from the first time she visited. The staff members radiated a sense of inner peace unlike anyone she had ever encountered.

Dr. Veggie hosted Bible trivia nights, so Knarik began attending. Realizing she had much to learn about the Bible, she started reading hers more. To find answers to her questions, she decided to visit an Adventist church.

After a year of attending church, Knarik was baptized. She is grateful for her neighbor and the people at Dr. Veggie who led her to Jesus.

Sadly, Dr. Veggie had to close due to high rent costs. Yerevan's population of more than a million people poses challenges for mission work. Your prayers and financial support can help open more cafes like Dr. Veggie, serving many communities and leading the Armenian people to Christ.