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Global Mission

Reaching Hearts in Sri Lanka

“In Sri Lanka, most young adults in their twenties are busy pursuing professional careers. But Rupan has taken a different journey. At age 23, he realized God’s unique purpose for his life and decided to use his training in natural remedies to serve as a Global Mission pioneer.

“I believe it was the Holy Spirit who convinced me to do God’s work,” says Rupan. “And that’s why I chose to become a Global Mission pioneer.”

Rupan was sent to a town called Omanthai, a primarily Buddhist community 270 some kilometers away from the country’s capital, Colombo.

With a population of more than 22 million, Sri Lanka is a land of rich diversity and culture. Home to various ethnic groups, religions, and customs, this South Asian country in the Indian Ocean has great opportunities for mission.

Rupan tried to find ways to reach out to the community. As soon as he arrived, he started going around the city, visiting one home after another and building relationships.

After days of home visitations and with a growing understanding of the community’s way of life, Rupan realized that there was an enormous need for lifestyle development and medical assistance.

The pioneer started going around the city again, this time introducing the Adventist health message, which sparked interest and curiosity in the people he visited.

One day, Rupan came across a family who owned a local hotel business. The father suffered from diabetes, and his condition was getting worse. He had wounds all over his feet.

Rupan’s first visit with him wasn’t easy; he found the health message hard to believe. But after giving it much thought, he agreed to try some of the principles Rupan described.

Rupan started the first water therapy session with a word of prayer, which took the hotel owner by surprise.

After months of treatment, the hotel owner’s wounds began to heal. Amazed by these improvements, he became excited to learn more about the health message.

In time, he accepted Christ and was baptized. Now he looks forward to growing more in his relationship with Jesus.

“I can share God’s love through this kind of treatment,” says Rupan. “It’s very effective in reaching people in this area.”

Rupan is just one of many Global Mission pioneers sharing the gospel within the 10/40 Window. Please pray for Rupan as he continues to reach out and touch lives in this challenging area of Southern Asia.

Dear Friend

Global Mission pioneers are the unsung heroes of Adventist Mission.

Around the world today, hundreds of these laypeople go to unentered areas and unreached people groups to start new Seventh-day Adventist congregations. Often, they begin work in areas where the church hasn’t had success in the past, but nobody told the pioneers that they can’t do it.

Paid a small living stipend, pioneers move into a community where they put Christ’s method of ministry into practice. They mingle with people. They show sympathy, minister to needs in practical ways, and they win the confidence of the people. Then they bid them to follow Jesus. I’ve seen pioneers using various methods to meet the needs of the people where they have embedded themselves like Jesus did incarnationally in the community.

The upcoming Annual Sacrifice Offering on November 9 will be an opportunity for us to sacrifice for mission. I encourage you to please give generously to this important offering.

Gary Krause
Director, Global Mission