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Global Mission

Veiled: The Veiled Path of Modern Tentmakers

Tentmaking blends profession with mission, mirroring Paul’s method of ministry and self-support. Working in regions where traditional missionary work is hard, tentmakers use their occupations to form relationships and introduce Jesus to individuals unfamiliar with Christianity.

"As a tentmaker, I say I'm a teacher,” says Jared, a former Tenmaker in a veiled country. “It requires being an authentic, friendly person, but covertly sharing the truth." By assuming professions such as teaching, Tentmakers tactfully share their faith while mingling with people in difficult-to-reach regions.

Tentmakers patiently foster connections over time, initiating safe, spiritual conversations. Isabel, a tentmaker, shares, "This colleague that I worked with, just sitting next to her for a long time, we had many opportunities to talk about spiritual things . . .And just knowing that if not by me, maybe they would never hear anything about Jesus."

Amanda, a former Tentmaker, encourages, "We don't need anyone to call us except for Jesus. So just go for it. Share your faith where you are now. If God calls you to reach the unreached in the 10/40 Window, go for it.”

Tactfully and creatively, tentmakers connect work with ministry, forming authentic relationships, delicately sharing truth, and helping to transform lives. Through initiatives like Tentmaking, working professionals carry Jesus' message to unreached regions, inspiring hope. Thank you for helping Global Mission recruit, train and support tentmakers.

*Names have been changed